Thursday, June 17, 2010

My DaM-Funk review on Fusicology

I was sitting at my desk doing some work, making it through a stressful day when I see an email from my friend Keiko. She let me know that the latest piece I wrote for Fusicology on Dam Funk was up on their site. This instantly made me feel better and a lil hyped. I'm doing what I've wanted to do for many years now, write and be recognized for it. Now if I could just be home in time to receive my Atari 2600 from UPS all would be right with the world.

Please enjoy and special thanks to Sandy Yap for making it happen.

DaM-Funk Review


  1. Congrats! ヾ(´∇`)ノ゙

  2. maiko8:48 PM


  3. Looking good, Good looking

    And Thank YOU.

  4. @Sandy Thanks again my dear. We still have to do dinner.
