Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My first Furniture Purchase

Today I finally made a decision and copped a dresser for my bedroom. Since moving into my new apartment I have been in need of a spot for my pounds of t-shirts and other summer gear. Today in between doing laundry, Shino and I took a trip to a local furniture store. After walking around for about 10 minutes we decided on on dresser that was a decent height and cost less than 300 bucks. I didn't realize it until we were leaving and Shino asked me "have you ever purchased furniture before?" It then hit me that for 30 years I've been getting by on hand me downs!

Since I left my mothers home years ago I first took over an apartment that was my father's first. I moved in furniture that was my aunts before me. The only thing I'd ever purchased for myself was electronics. I am now living in my first apartment that I really had to move things in and buy new furniture.

This is a new beginning, causing me to step out of my comfort zone.
There are times in life where you have to step back and see the whole thing moving like a movie. I feel this is one of those times. I am thankful to all those who helped me to get to this point in my life. I feel as though there is something big on the horizon for me and I am clearing space for it to have a place in my life. I eagerly await it's manifestation and hopefully it will inspire me to write.

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